In 1970 the Primal Institute began a research program in neurophysiology. This was later expanded to include participation by scientists at the Brain Research Institute, University of California at Los Angeles, for the purpose of verifying patient reports of "feeling better".
The Primal Institute believes subjective reports to be important, but recognizes the necessity for objective evidence. For example, longitudinal studies of Primal patients were conducted in which the lowering of blood pressure, pulse and core body temperature were among results consistently demonstrated. These findings, which have been published in the books, Primal Man - The New Consciousness, Prisoners of Pain, and the Primal Institute Newsletter, support the theory that Primal Therapy can effect profound physiological change.
Research findings from other fields have also contributed to the validation of Primal theory. For example, on-going brain research has isolated substances called endorphins that serve to mediate pain. This finding supports one of the basic tenets of Primal theory; namely that pain is defended against on a physiological as well as emotional level.
In a pioneer study of Primal patients, Dr. William Frey of St. Paul Ramsey Medical Center and Dr. Barry Bernfeld of the Primal Institute measured ACTH (stress hormone) in human tears. Results here have indicated that human tears may aid in stress reduction by the removal of ACTH through crying.
The Primal Institute continues its interest in and support of research regarding the psychopysiological effects of Primal Therapy.